If you and your spouse have decided to part ways but are still amicable enough to agree that you don’t want to face a judge or long divorce process, a collaborative divorce may be perfect for you. Filing for divorce is never an easy process, but in some cases, it is not filled with anger or hate, either. Some spouses may choose to separate and divorce before there is resentment or disgust for each other, making for a much easier process on all sides. Our team of Louisville collaborative divorce attorneys at Winner Law Group, LLC can help you with a collaborative divorce so that you both can move on with your lives.
Who, What, When, Where and Why of Collaborative Divorce
What: Collaborative divorce is a mutual divorce in which both the spouses and lawyers agree to file NO court motions and in which there are four-way meetings to discuss all aspects of the divorce. If at any time the collaborative divorce participants required a judge, due to stand-stills in interactions or disagreements, the lawyers agree that they will have to step down. At that point, the spouses will essentially have to start fresh with new lawyers, which would be a costly choice.
Who: Typically, the people involved in a collaborative divorce are the two spouses, their representative lawyers and any additional collaborative professionals that are needed such as child specialists, psychologists or financial specialists.
When: Collaborative divorces are usually faster and less time consuming than traditional divorces.
Why: Collaborative divorces are cheaper IF they go as planned, wherein there are no court decisions required or motions filed. In addition, since collaborative divorce is a mutual decision and is the choice of spouses that do not want to dispute during divorce, they can be smoother and a less stressful experience.
Where: The experienced and compassionate divorce lawyers at our Louisville, Kentucky offices can help you work through the divorce process and provide insight for questions you may have.
Contact Our Team for a Consultation
When facing a divorce, you and your spouse may agree to work together for a smoother transition into the new phase of your lives. With a collaborative divorce, this more amicable transition is possible. The decision to get divorced without the help of a judge is one that should be made with knowledge of all that it involves, and our team of Louisville divorce attorneys can help you understand the options and make the choice that is best for you and your family.
Contact our firm today to discuss your options at (502) 812-1889.